It’s that time again. And I’ve gone from a 5 month gap in reporting to 2.5 instead. So, that’s progress.
Here’s what you probably missed the last couple months:
- Materiality, Technology, and Seer Stones – A couple reactions to the photos of Joseph Smith’s seer stones released by the LDS Church framed by the insights of media scholar John Durham Peters.
- Grace In All Things – A few thoughts on a recent review of philosopher Adam Miller’s book Speculative Grace.
- Why I Fail To Write – Drawing on an interview with Peters (mentioned above), I look at his research techniques and compare them to mine.
- “This Stupid, Wonderful, Boring, Amazing Job” – Uses The Office to stress the importance of the mundane.
- Semiotic Objections to Business – Looks at arguments made by Georgetown professors Jason Brennan and Peter Jaworski’s new book regarding modern objections to markets and applies them to business. Also features Ned Beatty’s speech from the Oscar-nominated Network.
- “Good For That Which Is Good” – Argues that Wharton professor Adam Grant’s research on “givers” in the workplace further supports the notion of an inherently good business.
Enjoy loyal readers (you two are great)!