107 Nobel Laureates just signed a letter slamming Greenpeace over GMOs
In summary:
- 40% of children under 5 in the developing world have vitamin A deficiency, which is a leading cause of childhiood blindness and death.
- We could prevent up to 2 million deaths per year if we could increase access to Vitamin A.
- GMO crop golden rice is genetically designed to provide vitamin A. Since rice is an inexpensive staple crop for much of the world, this has a lot of promise.
- And yet anti-GMO protesters, including Greanpeace, are trying to block the use of golden rice, even destroying research crops.
I guess they have a point. We wouldn’t want to feed children anything “unnatural.” Better to let them suffer natural handicaps and die natural deaths.
“All natural” is really mostly just a new form of conspicuous consumption for the great social status game.