Today, Clinton Romesha was awarded the Medal of Honor for his bravery during the Battle of Kamdesh. His young son Colin completely stole the show, however, when he ventured out behind the podium and had to be coralled back to his mother by some White House marines. I guess if it takes two marines to get little Colin Romesha to his seat at 3 years old, it’s not hard to see why 400 Taliban couldn’t keep his father coralled in Afghanistan, either.
Incidentally, the Romesha family is Mormon (it’s #10 on the list). That should have been obvious to me just based on the video, but I’m sad to say I didn’t clue in until after I read the article.
He must be apostate since he had a mustache….
I know, right?
Seriously though, the more Mormon men start wearing facial hair the sooner we can go back to those awesome beards and mustaches from back in the day. Facial hair is part of our heritage. We must reclaim it! :-{P
That reminds me – I guess I should go pluck my eyebrows…
Interesting, look like Clinton Romesha wasn’t interested in attending the State of the Union address as an honored guest.
>>”It’s such a great honor to be invited to the State of the Union,” Romesha, 31, told CNN. “I really feel bad about not being able to go. But a lot of these guys I haven’t seen a really long time and I’d like to hang with them just a little bit more.”
Romesha said he also wants “to be there with the family, especially on the 13th wedding anniversary of me and Tammy,” his high school sweetheart.<< Sounds like my kind of guy. http://www.wcvb.com/news/politics/Medal-recipient-declines-first-lady-s-invite/-/9848766/18514188/-/eriuuiz/-/index.html#ixzz2Kotkrfh1