A little over a year ago I wrote a post looking at some of the evidence for subtle but pervasive liberal bias in media. In that post I referenced a study from Public Opinion Quarterly that found that 13 out of 15 major US news outlets produced more left-leaning articles than right-leaning ones.
Today, out of curiosity, I looked up each of those 15 sources on MediaBiasFactCheck.com. Here is there methodology for rating bias.[ref]Before doing this, I looked up MediaBiasFactCheck.com itself to see if it was generally considered a reliable source. I found an article from Just Facts Daily (a supposedly right-wing source) complaining about the website, and an article from Huffington Post (a supposedly left-wing source) referring people to the website, but otherwise I didn’t find much. So I figure if MediaBiasFactCheck.com itself is biased, it would be biased left. If you have more info, please share.[/ref] Of the 15 sources, 12 were biased left (7 Left-Center bias, 3 Left bias, 2 Least Biased, slightly Left) and 3 were biased right (1 Right-Center bias, 2 Right bias). Here is how each source rated:
- BBC News – Left-Center bias.
- Breitbart News Network – Right bias.
- Chicago Tribune – Left-Center bias.
- CNN News – Left bias.
- Daily Kos – Left bias.
- Fox News – Right bias.
- Huffington Post – Left bias.
- Los Angeles Times – Left-Center bias.
- NBC News – Left-Center bias.
- New York Times – Left-Center bias.
- Reuters – Least biased (ranked minimally Left biased).
- USA Today – Least biased (ranked minimally Left biased).
- Wall Street Journal – Right-Center bias.
- The Washington Post – Left-Center bias.
- Yahoo News – Left-Center bias.
Each page in the links above includes a spectrum showing where the given source falls from left to right. If you juxtapose all of the spectra, you get the spectrum above (logos added).