T&S: An Ensign is Not a Roadmap

Much like my most recent Sunday School lesson, this blog post seemed much more profound in my head then it did when I actually put it out there. It took me hours to write and rewrite, but it’s not even 1,000 words. Probably one of my lowest words-per-minute posts of all time. Still, since the topic of the post is how I’ve failed at virtually every goal I’ve ever set for myself (and what to do about that), that seems fitting.

Here it is.

I think I’ll write more on this topic one day, but this is just one of those instances where the thoughts in my brain are not ready to come out yet.

T&S Post: Giving Up On The Feminine Divine

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I have been ridiculously busy today. (I have also learned that females in my family are much tougher than males measured by tears-to-vomit ratio.) My weekly post for Times and Seasons is late, but it is there. And that counts for something right?

This is another post that is particularly Mormon, but I think the margon (Mormon jargon) is not as bad as in some previous posts.

New T&S Post: Theology, Worship, and Chidlren’s Games

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My Monday morning Mormon madness continues with the most recent post for Times And Seasons. Last weeks’ post was pretty dense with margon (Mormon jargon), but this post should be much more accessible to my non-Mormon readers. (Maybe I’ll concoct some kind of metric for Mormon inscrutability to provide in future…)

Anyway, go read it! :-)

(I’m turning off comments here so y’all can post there if you have words to add.)

T&S Post: What the Church Is Not For

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I didn’t think about this when I picked Monday for my weekly posts at Times And Seasons, but I realize now that that posting on a Mormon blog on Mondays provides too many opportunities for alliteration to be ignored. I’m thinking “Monday Morning Mormon Madness”. Too much? I’m paralyzed by the overwhelming potential.

In any case, here is my latest offering. It’s called “What the Chruch Is Not For“, and it represents my attempt to find a 3rd way between the TBMs (true-believing Mormons) and liberal/intellectual crowd. Not that I’m the first, of course, but I hope y’all will find my particular take on it interesting.