The Happiness Hypothesis: An Interview with Jonathan Haidt

This is part of the DR Book Collection. Over the past couple years, I’ve done several conference presentations on the subject of a Mormon theology of work. Recently, I compiled much of the research from this various presentations and submitted it to BYU Studies Quarterly. I was thrilled to find out earlier this year that … Read more

Cancel Culture Is Real

Last month, Harper’s published an anti-cancel culture statement: A Letter on Justice and Open Debate.The letter was signed by a wide variety of writers and intellectuals, ranging from Noam Chomsky to J. K. Rowling. It was a kind of radical centrist manifesto, including major names like Jonathan Haidt and John McWhorter (two of my favorite … Read more

The DR Book Collection: Catch-Up #7

This is part of the DR Book Collection. I’m once again behind on my book reviews, so here’s a list of the books I’ve read recently, their descriptions, and accompanying videos. Bas van der Vossen, Jason Brennan, In Defense of Openness: Why Global Freedom is the Humane Solution to Global Poverty (Oxford University Press, 2018): “The … Read more

What Does Scientific Research Say About the Infamous Google Memo?

I’m sure most of you have heard about the controversial Google Memo making the rounds throughout the media. Social psychologists Sean Stevens and Jonathan Haidt provide an excellent source[ref]Thanks to Megan Conley for linking to this on Facebook.[/ref] for those interested in browsing the academic literature on the subject. They provide both supportive and critical … Read more

Making Business Ethics a Cumulative Science

Such is the goal of Jonathan Haidt and Linda Trevino in a recent Nature article. “Imagine a world,” they write, in which medical researchers did experiments on rats, but never on people. Furthermore, suppose that doctors ignored the rat literature entirely. Instead, they talked to each other and swapped tips, based on their own clinical experience. … Read more

How Do Professors Vote?

They vote Democrat. No one saw that coming… At least those in economics, history, journalism, law, and psychology, according to a 2016 study. The abstract reads, We investigate the voter registration of faculty at 40 leading U.S. universities in the fields of Economics, History, Journalism/Communications, Law, and Psychology. We looked up 7,243 professors and found … Read more

The Lord Delights

This post is part of the General Conference Odyssey. Some General Conference talks hit me with such unexpected force that I can never be sure if there is something particularly forceful in the talk, something especially resonant in the hour, or some coincidence of circumstance that makes it stand out so clearly from the other … Read more